Saturday, 22 November 2014

The Next Trip

I have once again been to The Patch, this time though I took a different route and discovered quite different things. To start off as I was going there I saw some jackdaws on the roof of a house. Then I arrived at The Patch and I saw a Blackbird flying from one tree to another, this one had a Wood Pigeon on it and that flew the other way. I found that this was quite cool because it was like they exchanged paths. As I went in, there was a Dunnock calling in the bushes.

As I was walking up the path there was a single Goldfinch flying on its own This is strange I thought then 5 others came along to join it so that wasn't strange anymore. There is a grass area in the patch and in it a certain type of Fungi/mushroom is growing, they are called fairy rings. Fairy
Fairy rings
rings look very un-realistic, they also form circles and the top part of them are circles hence their name. Later on I saw 19 Golfinch's flying South again. 

 As I was venturing on I saw lot's of Black headed Gulls and Lesser Black Backed Gulls flying over  South-West, I think there might be a reservoir near by. (small clue)
lightning-stricken oak tree
yellow mushrooms
Fungi on oak tree
 There were 4 Redwing flying South as well. Last time I had a trip to the patch I found that there was moles digging up minuscule mole hills and fresh ones too!!! And once more I found Mole activity in the paddock by the brook. In a bush by the paddock there was a Great Tit alone, another thing I thought was strange, then another Great Tit came along and another! As I journeyed on I saw about 9 Redwing circling the Paddock and entering the dark terrain of the woods. Furthermore I went back to the old lightning-stricken Oak Tree and un-surprisingly there were mushrooms of all sort growing on it. Moreover there was some in the grass too, some were yellow, some orange and some green!!! 

After all of this I saw a MistleThrush flying over the farm nearby the patch. As I got onto the new part of my route I saw a SongThrush in a bush, it then quickly flew into another bush as it heard me slowly approaching. I have heard that the Song-thrush uses a special stone called an Anvil to break open snail shells so that it can then eat the snails. As I came to a new wood I saw about 180 Black Headed Gulls flying South-West! Here I also found another Gun Shell by some empty trees.

Finally I went into the new woods and I found that there was 2 normal sized Badger holes in the ground. 
Badger Holes
Here there was also some Fungi which I compared to my hand and it was much
I remembered not to touch it because
 it may
 be poisonous.
bigger (to the left.) After that I came back onto the path to the exit and saw two small-looking Mallards flying East over the old woods.

I will still be using I-spot to find out some of the wildlife, but if you can identify any of the things I couldn't, please leave a comment on this blog post. Thanks.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

The way back

Himalayan Balsam 

On the way home from the first trip to the patch I came across something unusual. It was the Himalayan balsam or in Latin called Impatiens Glandulifera. These lovely looking pink flowers came to Britain in 1839 and although they look lovely they are an invasive species ( which means that it has come from another country and has been causing havoc throughout Britain.) When the Himalayan Balsam is flicked the seeds go everywhere and then it grows into the actual plant that is why there is so many in one area.This means that if there is just a single plant it can spread into many more this way and because of the problems it's causing in the UK this is NOT good. Anyway some of the mishaps include: contaminating river banks,contaminating land and it upsets the ecological balance. As you already know it is not supposed to be in the UK and in actual fact is supposed to be in  the Himalayas' ( in India.)

Himalayan Balsam seeds
To disperse the seeds from the plant the seeds need to be ready, so what happens is the seeds are a bit like coils which will uncoil and pop out the inside of the flower which sooner or later lands on the ground. Just like what happened to the seeds on the left. When the seeds uncoil it gives them the upper-hand since they travel quite far and it gives them their own space to grow and get even more Himalayan Balsam.

To find out more about invasive species go to

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

My First Post

Some kind of Fungi 
This is my first ever blog-post and I'm doing it about the first trip I ever made to the patch, ( that is what I will be calling my secret area from now on) I have pictures and some things to show. This means you can have a guess at where it is.

Maybe it was a fox

Where I am going to show you I have found some evidence that somebody had been shooting. Moreover forgetting about that there are a few bits of nature that I would like to tell you about, one of them is that I saw a Red Fox take a peak at me and run back off. The other is that I saw the flash of a rabbit running back into their burrow and I found that too!!!  It is quite spiky since it is in a hawthorn bush and this is to keep away the predators assuring their safety. I would also like to say something amazing that is there, there is a prodigious wasps nest. You can see all the little wasps carrying small pieces of dirt out of their nest and cleaning it, if you could see it, it would be so good.
Rabbits Burrow

There is a large section I still need to cover, because it is quite a big place. Furthermore the patch does not let you drive through so you have to walk through it. This shall be the first clue. There is lots more to share throughout the whole of this. I will be updating you regularly. I will be telling the clue in every post.

Just to let you know I am a little bit knew to nature and will be using the site I-spot to help me, if you want to have a go at using it go ahead it's simple!!!